Category: General

2024 GA Stock Photo (6)
January 14, 2025 by geniusadmin 0 Comments

Welcome to GENIUS AULAD: First Day of School 2025!

The much-anticipated moment has finally arrived, the first day of school at Genius Aulad for 2025! On the bright morning of 2nd January 2025, we opened our doors to welcome eager children, excited parents, and our dedicated teachers to kickstart a year of learning, laughter, and growth.

Whether you’re a returning family or joining us for the first time, we’re thrilled to have you as part of the Genius Aulad family. Together, we’ll embark on a meaningful journey filled with milestones and cherished memories.

First Day Excitement: Emotions Everywhere!

The first day of school is always a blend of emotions. From beaming smiles to a few nervous tears, the halls of Genius Aulad were alive with:

  • Excitement: Kids stepping into their new classrooms and exploring learning spaces.
  • Joy: Meeting teachers and making new friends.
  • Tears: A few goodbyes that tugged at everyone’s heartstrings (don’t worry, parents, they settled in beautifully!).

Our team of dedicated teachers ensured every child felt safe, supported, and ready to start their Genius Aulad journey.

Parents, Thank You for Your Trust! ❤️

To all our amazing parents, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Genius Aulad as the foundation of your child’s early education. We understand how important this milestone is, and we’re committed to nurturing your child’s growth – academically, emotionally, and socially.

Your support plays a vital role in shaping confident and happy learners. Together, we’re building a strong partnership to guide your children towards success, InshaAllah.

A Big Thank You to Our Teachers! 🌟

We couldn’t have done this without our superheroes – our Genius Aulad teachers! From calming first-day jitters to celebrating every small victory, our teachers handled it all with patience, love, and expertise.

💡 Did you know? The first day of school is a crucial step in a child’s development. It helps them build resilience, develop social skills, and ignite their curiosity for lifelong learning.

Looking Ahead: A Bright Year Awaits 🌟

As we move forward, we’re excited to see the incredible progress our children will make this year. From mastering their ABCs and 123s to developing creativity and confidence, every day at Genius Aulad will be a step closer to unlocking their full potential.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Let’s make 2025 a year to remember!

📖✨ Follow us for updates, tips, and insights on early childhood education:

students and teachers from prasekolah malaysia
September 25, 2024 by itseo 0 Comments

Apakah objektif Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK) di Malaysia?

Dalam dunia pendidikan awal kanak-kanak, Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK) memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk asas pembelajaran anak-anak berusia 4 hingga 6 tahun di Malaysia. Sebagai kurikulum prasekolah kebangsaan, KSPK bertujuan untuk memastikan perkembangan holistik kanak-kanak melalui pendekatan yang terstruktur dan menyeluruh. Dalam blog ini, kita akan meneroka matlamat dan objektif utama KSPK serta mengapa ia penting dalam konteks pendidikan prasekolah Malaysia.

Matlamat KSPK

KSPK prasekolah di Malaysia bertujuan untuk memperkembangkan potensi kanak-kanak secara menyeluruh dalam pelbagai aspek: jasmani, emosi, rohani, intelek, dan sosial. Matlamat utama KSPK adalah untuk menyediakan persekitaran pembelajaran yang selamat dan merangsang, di mana aktiviti pembelajaran bukan sahaja menyeronokkan tetapi juga kreatif dan bermakna. Dengan matlamat ini, KSPK berusaha untuk meningkatkan kemahiran, menanam keyakinan, dan membentuk konsep kendiri yang positif pada anak-anak, agar mereka bersedia untuk menghadapi cabaran dalam pendidikan seterusnya.

Objektif KSPK

Objektif Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK) merangkumi pelbagai aspek penting dalam perkembangan kanak-kanak. Berikut adalah beberapa objektif utama KSPK:

Menggunakan Bahasa untuk Berkomunikasi dengan Berkesan

KSPK menekankan kepentingan perkembangan kemahiran bahasa, termasuk bahasa lisan, membaca, dan menulis. Kanak-kanak dilatih untuk berkomunikasi dengan jelas dan berkesan, yang merupakan asas penting dalam proses pembelajaran.

Mengamalkan Nilai-nilai Islam dan Masyarakat Malaysia

Untuk murid beragama Islam, KSPK menggalakkan pengamalan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan seharian. Selain itu, nilai-nilai murni masyarakat Malaysia seperti saling menghormati dan bertoleransi juga dipupuk.

Menghargai dan Peka Terhadap Budaya Malaysia

KSPK menekankan kepentingan menghargai budaya dan warisan Malaysia, membantu kanak-kanak memahami dan menghormati kepelbagaian budaya yang ada di negara ini.

Menyayangi dan Menghargai Alam Sekitar

Konsep kepedulian terhadap alam sekitar dipupuk melalui aktiviti yang mengajar kanak-kanak tentang pentingnya menjaga dan melindungi alam sekitar.

Memperkembangkan Konsep Kendiri yang Positif dan Keyakinan Diri

Salah satu objektif utama KSPK adalah membina keyakinan diri dan konsep kendiri yang positif, membantu kanak-kanak untuk berkembang sebagai individu yang yakin dan bersedia menghadapi cabaran masa depan.

Ciri-ciri Utama KSPK

Kurikulum prasekolah di Malaysia melalui KSPK mempunyai beberapa ciri utama yang membezakannya daripada kurikulum lain:

Pembangunan Menyeluruh

KSPK menggalakkan pembangunan kanak-kanak dalam semua aspek—fizikal, emosi, rohani, intelektual, dan sosial—sebagai asas kepada pembelajaran dan perkembangan mereka.

Berpusatkan Pelajar

Kurikulum ini menekankan pendekatan berpusatkan kanak-kanak, di mana pembelajaran aktif dan penerokaan adalah kunci kepada pengalaman pendidikan mereka.

Pembelajaran Bersepadu

Pengalaman pembelajaran disatukan merentasi pelbagai bidang, membolehkan kanak-kanak memahami dunia secara holistik.

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Permainan

Permainan merupakan komponen penting dalam kurikulum prasekolah, yang membantu kanak-kanak belajar melalui aktiviti yang menyeronokkan dan interaktif.

Penilaian untuk Pembelajaran

Penilaian formatif digunakan untuk memantau kemajuan kanak-kanak dan memberikan maklum balas yang berguna bagi meningkatkan proses pembelajaran.

Komponen Utama KSPK

KSPK mengandungi beberapa komponen utama yang penting dalam pendidikan prasekolah:

  • Bahasa: Menggalakkan perkembangan bahasa dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris.
  • Pendidikan Islam/Moral: Memupuk nilai-nilai moral dan pemahaman agama.
  • Matematik: Membangunkan kemahiran matematik awal.
  • Pembelajaran Bersepadu: Menggabungkan pelbagai bidang pelajaran melalui unit tematik.
  • Aktiviti Luar: Menyediakan peluang untuk aktiviti fizikal dan sosial.

Evolusi KSPK

Sejak diperkenalkan, KSPK telah mengalami beberapa pindaan untuk menyelaraskan dengan trend global dalam pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Pindaan ini termasuk peningkatan penekanan terhadap kemahiran berfikir peringkat tinggi, penggunaan teknologi, dan integrasi amalan terbaik antarabangsa.


Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK) memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk pendidikan awal kanak-kanak di Malaysia. Dengan menyediakan kurikulum yang komprehensif dan sesuai dengan perkembangan kanak-kanak, KSPK bertujuan untuk membina individu yang serba boleh dan bersedia untuk pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.

Jika anda mencari prasekolah Malaysia yang menawarkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang bertepatan dengan matlamat dan objektif KSPK, Genius Aulad adalah pilihan yang tepat. Kami menyediakan persekitaran yang menyokong dan merangsang pembelajaran awal kanak-kanak dengan pendekatan yang kreatif dan berkesan. Kunjungi Genius Aulad hari ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami dapat membantu anak anda memulakan perjalanan pendidikan mereka dengan baik.

August 22, 2022 by admin 0 Comments

Happy + Learning = GENIUS!

Happier children learn better! Give your child more than just an education by experiencing a happy GENIUS AULAD Learning System!

The happy-ness of learning for young children age 4 to 6 years old continues for 2023!



Genius Aulad flyer 2023

Register your child now, as limited seats are available! Why limited seats? Because GENIUS Aulad takes serious caution about safety and SOP.

Just get in touch with your nearest GENIUS AULAD center to know more.

Secure and RSVP your child’s slot with respective centers or simply register here!


August 17, 2022 by admin 0 Comments

Rakan Usahawan PUNB: Genius Aulad International Group Sdn Bhd


Pengasas kepada Genius Aulad International Group Sdn Bhd, Puan Zaliza Alias sungguh tidak menyangka langkah berani beliau untuk meninggalkan kerjaya sebagai pensyarah sepenuh masa dan membuka sebuah pusat pendidikan awal kanak-kanak membuahkan hasil yang membanggakan. Melalui jenama Genius Aulad, pusat pendidikan ini telah berkembang sehingga mampu menjadi antara pilihan utama jenama pendidikan bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi juga di Indonesia sehingga hari ini.

“Ini adalah perjuangan saya sebagai seorang pendidik. Saya mahukan sebuah pusat pendidikan yang mampu memberi impak kepada perkembangan diri kanak-kanak selain menyediakan keperluan pendidikan berkualiti yang berterusan untuk mereka,” kata Zaliza. Matlamat Genius Aulad adalah kemenjadian diri seseorang itu pada masa hadapan selain ingin membentuk sebuah generasi yang bukan sahaja celik intelek, malah juga memiliki sifat peribadi cemerlang setelah tamat pembelajaran.

Setiap kanak-kanak di pusat pendidikan Genius Aulad bukan sahaja dididik dengan pendidikan ilmiah tetapi turut didedahkan dengan kemahiran berkomunikasi dengan rakan sebaya selain turut diajar tentang kebaikan dan keburukan bagi setiap tindakan yang diambil. Ini secara tidak langsung merangsang minda mereka dan dapat membina keyakinan diri agar tidak kekok berhadapan dengan masyarakat apabila meningkat dewasa.

Selain modul pembelajaran sedia ada, Genius Aulad turut memastikan setiap pusat pendidikannya merupakan sebuah tempat yang selesa dan selamat untuk setiap individu. “Ciri-ciri keselamatan dan kesihatan amat dititik beratkan memandangkan berurusan dengan kanak-kanak memerlukan perhatian yang lebih bagi mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini,” tambah Zaliza.

Dalam usaha untuk membentuk keperibadian yang baik, Genius Aulad turut mengadakan beberapa program yang melibatkan masyarakat setempat termasuklah ibu bapa pelajar itu sendiri. Melalui program seperti ‘First We Need Love’, setiap cawangan pusat pendidikan mengadakan aktiviti bersama komuniti setempat seperti kerja pembersihan dan program bercerita agar pelajar terdedah dengan aktiviti kemasyarakatan selain mengeratkan lagi hubungan antara komuniti dengan pusat Genius Aulad.

Selain itu juga, Genius Aulad turut mengadakan program ‘Student Parent Activities’ (SPA) di mana ibu bapa para pelajar akan hadir ke sekolah dan merasai pengalaman selama satu hari sebagai seorang guru. Melalui aktiviti seperti ini, ibu bapa dapat memahami proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan dan matlamat pendidikan yang cuba disampaikan kepada anak-anak selain kepentingan memiliki keputusan pelajaran yang bagus, tetapi juga menyemai kemahiran-kemahiran lain yang bermanfaat untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan seharian. “Antara aktiviti SPA yang kami jalankan adalah seperti cara perapian diri bagi anak-anak, nampak mudah namun ramai dalam kalangan ibu bapa yang kurang mengambil perhatian perkara ini dan Alhamdulillah, sambutan dari mereka amat menggalakkan,” jelas Zaliza.

Sepanjang penutupan sekolah akibat penularan COVID-19 tidak menghalang Zaliza dan pasukannya meneruskan aktiviti kemasyarakatan. Bersama dengan ibu bapa para pelajar, beliau telah mengadakan sebuah program melukis yang menggambarkan aktiviti para pelajarnya sepanjang berada di rumah selain mengikuti pembelajaran secara dalam talian. Setiap lukisan yang terhasil dilelongkan dan hasil kutipan yang diperolehi dijadikan sumbangan untuk membeli peralatan perubatan di Hospital Sungai Buloh. Kesemua aktiviti yang dijalankan sudah pastinya dapat memupuk sifat positif kepada para pelajar dan diharap menjadikan mereka insan yang berguna bukan hanya untuk diri sendiri tetapi juga kepada masyarakat.

Tidak dinafikan kerjaya dalam bidang pendidikan terutama pendidikan awal kanak-kanak lebih cenderung kepada wanita. Justeru, sebagai seorang usahawan dan wanita, Zaliza ingin menguatkan lagi penguasaan wanita dalam bidang berkaitan agar lebih ramai golongan ini dapat menjadi penyumbang utama kepada pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat. Selain itu, misi Zaliza juga kini sedang bergerak ke arah global dengan memperluaskan lagi khidmat modul pendidikan ke negara seperti Qatar disamping ingin meningkatkan lagi strategi dan modul pembelajaran serta struktur kerja sedia ada agar dapat menawarkan perkhidmatan yang lebih mantap.

“Pendidikan adalah keutamaan, perniagaan hanyalah kenderaan yang menggerakkan pendidikan. Jangan kita jadikan pendidikan untuk mengejar keuntungan perniagaan kerana pendidikan adalah untuk selamanya,” nasihat Zaliza mengakhiri temubual.

Baca artikel penuh di:

March 18, 2022 by admin 0 Comments


This Ramadhan, GENIUS AULAD and our humanitarian partner, Muslim Volunteer Malaysia brings you ‘First We Need Love’, a Ramadhan charity project aiming to ease the burden among underprivileged children in Malaysia during the holy month of Ramadhan.

‘First We Need Love’ is an effort to inculcate the act of giving and sharing among GENIUS AULAD children while nurturing good virtues as a Muslim. We hope to help the underprivileged children and to provide something as a preparation for Eid.

Dear parents and children, let’s lend a helping hand!

For individual donations from parents and the public:

Maybank : 5648 0164 7699 (Pertubuhan Sukarelawan Muslim Malaysia)
Reference Code: GA Ramadhan

*Merchant Name: Billplz Sdn Bhd will appear as payment gateway.


Click here for details.

Let’s share the bliss of Ramadhan with our children, InsyaAllah.

November 23, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


We are very excited to announce that we will be opening our new centre in Elimina Shah Alam, Ainsdale Seremban, Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh, and Bandar Cassia Batu Kawan!

GENIUS AULAD Elmina, Shah Alam

GENIUS AULAD Ainsdale, Seremban

GENIUS AULAD Bandar Baru Medan, Ipoh

Genius Aulad 2022 New Centers

GENIUS AULAD Bandar Cassia, Batu Kawan

Allow your child to experience our happy learning system at GENIUS AULAD!

Register your child now, as limited seats are available! Why limited seats? Because GENIUS Aulad takes serious caution about your child’s health, health, safety, and SOP.

Register now from more than 70 centers!

Secure and RSVP your child’s slot with respective centres or simply register here!

Or you can chat with us on WhatsApp.


September 30, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


We would like to say “thank you” to all our parents for your continued support of GENIUS AULAD.


Exclusive only for current Genius Aulad students, you can now redeem a FREE uniform at participating center when you complete your child 2022 intake registrations from 15th – 31st October 2021.

Hurry! While stocks last only.

Just get in touch with your nearest GENIUS AULAD center to know more.

Terms and Conditions

  • Exclusive only for current Genius Aulad students.
  • Full payment required upon registration, which includes Annual Fees, one month school fee.
  • Monthly fee payment needs to be made before the 5th of every month.
  • This promo is valid at participating centres only. Kindly check your nearest centre for confirmation.
  • Promotion is not valid in conjunction with other promotions or discounts. (Except for Parents Referral Program)
  • No refund for cancellation.
  • No refund if the students wish to withdraw.
  • Campaign period: 15th – 31st October 2021
  • The promotion is subject to availability. Where applicable, the promotion will only continue while stocks last.
  • GENIUS AULAD reserves the right to change these terms & conditions or cancel any promotions at any time and without notice.

September 30, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


Let’s be good Malaysians and do the right thing!

Dear parents, enjoy RM100 rebate on your child annual fee when you completed your covid-19 vaccination.


Just get in touch with your nearest GENIUS AULAD center to know more.

Secure and RSVP your child’s slot with respective centres or simply register here!

Or you can chat with us on WhatsApp!

Terms and Conditions

  • Get vaccinated, enjoy RM100 rebate on your child Annual fee.
  • Each child is only eligible for one rebate at one time.
  • To be eligible for the RM100 rebate, both parents (exemptions for a parent with genuine medical conditions preventing them from getting vaccinated against Covid-19) need to complete the covid-19 vaccine.
  • To enjoy the RM100 rebate for the annual fee, show your vaccination status page on your MySejahtera app.
  • Full payment required upon registration, which includes Annual Fees, July month school fee.
  • Monthly fee payment needs to be made before the 5th of every month.
  • This promo is valid at participating centres only. Kindly check your nearest centre for confirmation.
  • Promotion is not valid in conjunction with other promotions or discounts. (Except for Parents Referral Program)
  • No refund for cancellation.
  • No refund if the students wish to withdraw.
  • Campaign period: October – November 2021
  • GENIUS AULAD reserves the right to change these terms & conditions or cancel any promotions at any time and without notice.

September 2, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


Happy Learning continues at GENIUS AULAD for 2022! Give your child more than just an education by experiencing a happy GENIUS AULAD Learning System!

Dear parents, enjoy RM20 off every month when you completed your child registration before 31st October 2021 at our participating center and allow your child to happily continue learning as we remain to educate on the ways we engage with our children online while also providing them with a consistently safe learning environment for physical classes in school.

Register your child now, as limited seats are available!

Just get in touch with your nearest GENIUS AULAD center to know more!

Secure and RSVP your child’s slot with respective centres or simply register HERE!

Or you can chat with us on WhatsApp.



  • Full payment required upon registration, which includes Annual Fees, one month school fee.
  • Monthly fee payment needs to be made before the 5th of every month.
  • This promo is valid at participating centres only. Kindly check your nearest centre for confirmation.
  • No refund for cancellation.
  • No refund if the students wish to withdraw.
  • Promotion is not valid in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.
  • GENIUS AULAD reserves the right to change these terms & conditions or cancel any promotions at any time and without notice.

August 23, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


Coming to you this September, Genius Aulad in collaboration with 5T3M, will be organizing the GENIUS STEM program, specially designed for our children.

5T3M is a unique approach to science and technology where learning is experiential, and driven by our children’s natural curiosity, where passion and creativity are more important than following a rigid curriculum.

Genius ST

Qobo is a programmable educational snail robot. It offers an innovative, simple, fun and intuitive programming system with puzzle cards that allow the snail to move, sing, flash and interact according to the card on which it is advancing. The interaction between the robot and children becomes intelligent: they learn by playing, observing and coding the robot. The robot shell is fluorescent in colour and the educational snail has a puzzle card recognition function.

Photon is an interactive, educational robot that learns and grows with your child; the more you play with it, the smarter it becomes! It is the perfect learning companion that also teaches coding to children. Photon is suitable for all ages as it comes in different modes and difficulty levels – children do not need any coding experience to start learning with Photon. Photon Robot teaches the basics of coding, mathematics, creative problem-solving and enhances logical thinking. All of that is done through a very fun and engaging way – through challenges!

Junior Robotics Kit comes with lego-like building blocks, whereby kids are able to assemble and build different robots. Kids can program their robot to move, make sound, respond to stimuli such as touch and more using the pre-programmed cards and card reader. 1st Robo is the perfect learning tool to introduce your kids to how real robots work, along with developing their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Dear mommies and daddies, get in touch with our dedicated teachers nationwide to know more!

Or you can chat with us on WhatsApp.

Grab your seats, we’re open for registration now.



Encik Mohd Hafizan

Father to Hana Sofea

Assalamualaikum, I am Mohd Hafizan, father to Hana Sofea, a student at GENIUS AULAD Bertam. We chose GENIUS AULAD primarily because of its convenient location and its approach to learning, which focuses on individual milestones through the Genius-Balanced Methodology. This approach resonated with us as parents, knowing that our child would not only be learning but also enjoying the process.

Since enrolling at GENIUS AULAD, I’ve observed significant improvements in her ability to socialize and her confidence in reciting various Duas and Surahs. These developments have been crucial in her overall growth and have instilled in her important Islamic values.

She particularly enjoys the Science & Crafts and Physical Literacy programs. These programs allow her to express herself creatively and engage in hands-on learning experiences that she finds enjoyable and stimulating.

Her favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD include the opportunities for free play, engaging sing-along sessions, and the chance to recite duas with her friends. These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also foster a sense of community and belonging.

I would like to commend the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and encourage them to continue identifying each child’s strengths and weaknesses. By addressing areas of improvement and providing support, you play a crucial role in helping every child reach their full potential.

Puan Suhailah Suhami

Mother to Ahmad Dzulfiqry Arif

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Suhailah Suhami, mother of Ahmad Dzulfiqry Arif, a student at GENIUS AULAD Traders Square. I chose GENIUS AULAD because of its spacious and comfortable learning environment for children. It was important for me to find a place where he could learn and grow comfortably.

Since my son started attending GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his academic skills. He can now count, knows the alphabet, and can even do simple math additions. These developments are a testament to the effective teaching methods established at GENIUS AULAD. His favorite program is Arabic Funworks. He finds joy in learning the Arabic letters and is excited to expand his knowledge in this area.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD are the presence of good teachers who make learning enjoyable and the opportunity to make friends. These positive relationships contribute to his overall learning experience and make him look forward to going to school every day.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and commitment to providing a nurturing learning environment for our children. My advice for fellow parents is to actively engage with your child’s education and communicate openly with teachers to effectively support your child’s development.

Puan Nur Fatin Ameera

Mother to Adam Mikhael

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Nur Fatin Ameera, the mother of Adam Mikhael, who is a student at GENIUS AULAD Bandar Baru Uda.

We chose GENIUS AULAD because of its English Islamic-oriented curriculum. It was important to us that he receives an education that not only focuses on academic excellence but also integrates Islamic values into his learning experience.

Since he started attending GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his soft skills and attitude. He has become more confident, respectful, and cooperative, which are essential qualities for his overall development.

His favorite program is Science & Crafts. He enjoys expressing his creativity through various artistic activities and finds joy in exploring different colors, shapes, and textures.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD are the opportunity to make good friends and the presence of loving teachers who make learning enjoyable and meaningful for him.

I would like to express my appreciation to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and care towards our children.

Puan Nurul Azreen

Mother to Saif Qaiser

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Nurul Azreen, the mother of Saif Qaiser, a student at GENIUS AULAD The Prime Puchong.

I chose GENIUS AULAD primarily because of its emphasis on Islamic learning. As a mother, I wanted my child to receive a holistic education that not only focuses on academic excellence but also nurtures his Islamic identity and values.

Since enrolling at GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his Solat Practice and his ability to recite short Duas. These are fundamental aspects of his Islamic upbringing, and I am pleased to see him developing a stronger connection through his education at GENIUS AULAD.

My son particularly enjoys engaging in Science & Crafts and Little Qari & Starter Words Program. These programs allow him to express his creativity and imagination while also developing important skills such as fine motor skills and literacy.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD include the opportunities for creative expression through craft activities and the chance to explore new stories and ideas through reading. These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also help him develop a love for learning that will benefit him throughout his life.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment for our children. My advice to fellow parents is to actively engage with your child’s education and to support the efforts of the teachers in nurturing their growth and development, both academically and spiritually.

Puan Raihana Adila

Mother to Raisha Hanani

Assalamualaikum everyone, I am Raihana Adila, a proud mother to Raisha Hanani, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Baru Uda.

We chose GENIUS AULAD because of its positive learning environment, which has had a significant impact on my daughter. Raisha loves attending this school, and her enthusiasm speaks volumes about the quality of education and care she receives there.

I’ve noticed remarkable improvements in Raisha’s social skills since she started attending GENIUS AULAD. She has become more confident in communicating with her peers and has developed the ability to make friends easily. This growth in her social abilities has been truly wonderful to witness.

Raisha’s favorite program is Maths & Mind. She has a natural affinity for numbers and thoroughly enjoys the challenges and rewards that come with learning mathematical concepts.

One of the things Raisha loves most about GENIUS AULAD is the vibrant and colorful classrooms, which create a stimulating learning environment. Additionally, she enjoys the hands-on activities that engage her in the learning process and make it fun and memorable.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and commitment to nurturing our children. Your efforts make a significant difference in the lives of our children, and we are truly thankful for everything you do.

Puan Lilia Edlina

Mother to Kafeel Eyhsan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, my name is Lilia Edlina. I’m the mother of Kafeel Eyhsan Bin Khairul Fadzly from GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

Enrolling all three of my children at GENIUS AULAD has been one of the best decisions I’ve made as a parent. They have all had incredibly enriching and exciting learning experiences that have contributed significantly to their development.

Kafeel, in particular, has thrived at GENIUS AULAD Gombak. His enthusiasm for school is evident in his eagerness to wake up every morning and his excitement to see his teachers and friends. It warms my heart to hear him share stories about his day at school with such joy and enthusiasm.

I am delighted to see Kafeel’s love for learning flourishing, with English @ Ease and Bijak Bahasa being his favorite programs. GENIUS AULAD’s engaging and comprehensive approach to education has ignited his curiosity and passion for these subjects, which is truly commendable.

In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to GENIUS AULAD Gombak for providing an exceptional educational environment where my children can thrive and grow. May GENIUS AULAD continue to inspire young minds and nurture future leaders for many years to come.

Encik Muhammad Azreen

Father to Nurzara Qalisha

Assalamualaikum, my name is Muhammad Azreen, father to Nurzara Qalisha. It warms my heart to hear about the positive impact GENIUS AULAD Selayang has had on my daughter’s early education journey. The nurturing environment provided by the dedicated teachers has played a pivotal role in her development.

The fact that our daughter can recite Surahs, the alphabet, and numbers showcases the effectiveness of the GENIUS-BALANCED METHODOLOGY approach. The incorporation of religious teachings alongside academic subjects reflects the school’s dedication to providing a well-rounded educational experience.

As our daughter graduates from GENIUS AULAD Selayang, it’s evident that she is leaving not only with academic achievements but also with a strong foundation for personal and social development.

The gratitude expressed toward the teachers and the entire team at GENIUS AULAD speaks volumes about the positive and supportive community that has been built within the preschool.

As our family bids farewell to GENIUS AULAD Selayang, the memories and lessons learned will surely be cherished. The school’s influence on our daughter’s formative years will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for her future academic endeavors and personal growth.

Wishing our daughter continued success in her educational journey, and may the positive values instilled at GENIUS AULAD continue to guide her in all her future endeavors. Ameen.

Encik Azmarley Marzuki

Father to Muhammad Uwais

Assalamualaikum, my name is Azmarley Marzuki, father to Muhammad Uwais. Choosing the right preschool for our children is a significant decision. When selecting a place for my son, I considered several factors. After extensive research and recommendations from friends and family, I chose GENIUS AULAD Putrajaya Presint 15. I wanted an environment that would provide a holistic educational experience, and GENIUS AULAD stood out as the perfect choice for this.

One of the things I appreciate about GENIUS AULAD is that it has sparked a genuine love for learning in my son. When asked about his favorite program, he consistently says, “Everything is good.” This response reflects the center’s ability to make learning fun and engaging across various programs. Alhamdulillah.

While education is undoubtedly top-notch, it’s not just the lessons that he treasures about GENIUS AULAD. The friendships he has formed there are a source of joy and fulfillment.

To the teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD, I am immensely grateful for your unwavering support and guidance.

To fellow parents considering GENIUS AULAD, our experience here has been incredibly positive. The decision to enroll my child at GENIUS AULAD has proven to be a wise one.

In conclusion, GENIUS AULAD 15 has provided me with an educational journey full of growth and inspiration for my child. I have seen improvements in every aspect of his development, and I look forward to many more years of journey with the best Islamic Preschool in Malaysia. Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for being a pillar of support in my child’s journey to excellence.

Puan Siti Hajar Zahidah Mohd Zain

Mother to Muhammad Harraz Mikael

Assalamualaikum, my name is Siti Hajar Zahidah Mohd Zain, and I am the mother of Muhammad Harraz Mikael. I’d like to share our experience as parents at GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bahru.

When it came to choosing a preschool for Harraz, my husband and I had several options, but GENIUS AULAD stood out for its Islamic values and quality education. We believe that a strong foundation in Islamic principles is essential, and GENIUS AULAD has not disappointed us in this regard.

One of the most significant improvements I’ve noticed in my son’s development since he started attending GENIUS AULAD is his newfound ability to work independently.

My son’s love for learning has been further nurtured by the Genius-Balanced Methodology at GENIUS AULAD. He particularly enjoys the free play and purposeful play activities that are incorporated into various programs. It’s heartwarming to see him excited about learning, and we credit GENIUS AULAD for igniting his passion. 

Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the dedicated teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD. Your commitment to providing quality education and nurturing the children is commendable.

In conclusion, my experience with GENIUS AULAD has been incredibly positive, and I look forward to seeing my son’s continued growth and development in this nurturing environment. Thank you for being an essential part of my son’s educational journey.

Encik Shaiful Azmi Kussenan

Father to Aina Aisyah Syuhadah

Assalamualaikum, my name is Shaiful Azmi Kussenan. I am the father of Aina Aisyah Syuhadah, who attends GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

I am thrilled to share my daughter’s experience at GENIUS AULAD Gombak. As a proud father, I have witnessed remarkable progress in my child’s development during her time here.

I chose GENIUS AULAD because it provides an excellent environment for young children to start their educational journey. I sought a nurturing environment to foster my child’s growth, and GENIUS AULAD has exceeded my expectations.

GENIUS AULAD’s approach to all programs has made learning enjoyable and engaging for her, igniting her passion for knowledge. It warms my heart to see her eagerly anticipating school every day. Alhamdulillah.

To the dedicated teachers and fellow parents at GENIUS AULAD, I have one simple message: “I am a satisfied parent.” I deeply appreciate the hard work and dedication of the teachers, and I am grateful for the sense of community and good communication practices demonstrated by GENIUS AULAD for our family.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for nurturing my child’s development and providing a positive and enriching educational experience. We eagerly anticipate continued growth and learning in this wonderful journey.

Puan Nurul Haizum

Mother to Putri Nur Mikayla

Assalamualaikum, my name is Nurul Haizum. I’m a mother to Putri Nur Mikayla, who attends GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

When it comes to her favorite program, she often excitedly mentions that she loves “ABC.” It’s heartwarming to see her enthusiasm for learning and how Genius Aulad fosters a love for education. This enthusiasm for the basics of language and literacy is proof of the engaging and effective teaching methods applied at Genius Aulad.

One of the things she appreciates the most about Genius Aulad is her friends and teachers. The friendships she has formed at the preschool have been invaluable in her social development. The teachers are not just educators but also mentors and role models, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages our children to thrive and learn.

To the teachers and fellow parents at Genius Aulad, I would like to express my gratitude and offer some advice. Keep up the good work in nurturing our children’s growth and happiness. Your dedication and passion make a significant difference in our children’s lives. Let’s continue to work together to ensure that our children are excited to go to school every day, setting a strong foundation for their future.

In conclusion, Genius Aulad Gombak has played a pivotal role in my daughter’s development, and I couldn’t be happier with our choice. I look forward to watching her continued growth and success, knowing that she is in capable hands at Genius Aulad.

Puan Masrida Mokhtar

Mother to Nur Mysha Tihani

Assalamualaikum everyone, I’m Masrida Mokhtar, mother of Nur Mysha Tihani from Genius Aulad The Prime in Puchong.

Alhamdulillah, I’m excited to share my thoughts about GENIUS AULAD and the amazing journey my child has started here.

When choosing an early childhood education center, convenience was important to me. GENIUS AULAD’s proximity to our home makes it practical and reassuring to know my child is nearby and in safe hands.

GENIUS AULAD has a special charm, and my child particularly enjoys the engaging activities. The creative approach to learning through fun activities keeps her excited and eager to explore new concepts.

I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated teachers and fellow parents for being part of this enriching journey. Strong communication between parents and teachers is crucial, and I encourage us all to keep it up. Regular updates on our children’s progress allow us to actively participate in their development.

In conclusion, I’m grateful to GENIUS AULAD for providing a fun learning environment for our children. Let’s continue to support and inspire each other in our shared commitment to our children’s bright future.

Thank you, and may our children continue to thrive under GENIUS AULAD’s guidance.

Encik Muhammad Shar'iman Bin Shahar

Father to Putri Inara Zahirah

Assalamualaikum, my name is Muhammad Shar’iman Bin Shahar, father to Putri Inara Zahirah from Genius Aulad Presint 15, Putrajaya.

Choosing the right preschool for our children is a decision of immense significance in shaping their early years. When it came to selecting a preschool aligned with good values and providing a strong foundation in both academics and Islamic principles, GENIUS AULAD was undoubtedly my first choice.

Among the subjects taught, it’s heartening to see my daughter’s genuine love for mathematics. This shows that the teachers at GENIUS AULAD Presint 15, Putrajaya, have found ways to make learning enjoyable and engaging, even in complex subjects. The nurturing environment and dedicated teachers have undoubtedly played a significant role in fostering this enthusiasm for learning.

What my daughter loves most about GENIUS AULAD is not only the learning but also the friendships she has built and the guidance from her teachers. The bond she shares with her peers and the care she receives create a sense of belonging that enhances her overall experience. As a father, I am truly grateful for this warm and encouraging atmosphere that supports her growth. Alhamdulillah.

In conclusion, I would like to express my appreciation to the teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD. Your dedication, passion, and commitment to nurturing our children’s minds are truly commendable. To my fellow parents, I wholeheartedly recommend GENIUS AULAD as a preschool that not only imparts knowledge but also shapes character, creating a strong foundation for our children’s future. Your choice will undoubtedly be as rewarding as ours. Insha Allah.  

Puan Roshaniza

Mother to Nour El Zahra

Assalamualaikum, my name is Roshaniza. I’m a mother to Nour El Zahra Binti Azhar, who attends GENIUS AULAD The Prime, Puchong.

As a parent, choosing the right school for our child is a decision that impacts their development and future. For me, the choice was clear – GENIUS AULAD. The preschool’s outstanding reputation and achievements in guiding and teaching children have set it apart from other options in the area.

When I enrolled my daughter at GENIUS AULAD, I had high hopes for her growth and learning experience. The decision was primarily influenced by the center’s proven track record of nurturing and educating young children. I wanted a place where my child would not only excel academically but also flourish emotionally and socially. GENIUS AULAD appeared to be the perfect fit. Alhamdulillah.

As a parent, one of the joys of witnessing your child’s growth is seeing them develop a love for learning. At GENIUS AULAD, my daughter has found her passion in reading books. GENIUS AULAD’s fun learning method has not only instilled a love for reading but has also cultivated critical thinking and analytical skills that extend beyond the pages of a book.

When I asked my daughter what she likes most about GENIUS AULAD, her response was both heartwarming and humorous – “Meeting friends.” It is a testament to the nurturing environment the center provides, where children not only learn but also form meaningful connections with their peers.

GENIUS AULAD has proven to be an excellent choice for my daughter’s educational journey. Alhamdulillah!

Puan Farashaheema Abd Jalal

Mother to Mysha Rania

Assalamualaikum, my name is Farashaheema Bt Abd Jalal. I am a mother to Mysha Rania, who is currently attending GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

The reason I decided to enroll my daughter at GENIUS AULAD was its balanced and effective learning methods for children, which are easy to understand and effective. The well-trained teachers impressed me, and I truly appreciate how they integrate play-based learning, making it more engaging and practical for my child. Thank you, teachers!

My daughter has shown a keen interest in Science & Crafts, as well as Maths & Mind subjects. The interactive and hands-on approach to teaching these subjects at GENIUS AULAD has undoubtedly contributed to her preference for them.

To other parents considering GENIUS AULAD, I highly recommend this Islamic preschool for its holistic approach to education. Witnessing the transformation in my child has been incredibly rewarding, and I believe your children can also benefit greatly from the nurturing environment and expert guidance provided by the teachers here.

Alhamdulillah, I am grateful for the positive impact GENIUS AULAD Gombak has had on my child’s development. It has been a rewarding journey so far, and I eagerly look forward to witnessing more growth and progress in the future. Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for being an integral part of my child’s learning experience.

Puan Hanis Binti Hasan@Ahmad

Mother to Muhammad Syahir

Assalamualaikum, my name is Hanis Binti Hasan@Ahmad. I am a mother to Muhammad Syahir Bin Md Syahmi, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Melaka.

I want to express my appreciation to all the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their care and dedication in making my child love going to school and keeping him happy!

Since my children started attending Genius Aulad, we have noticed remarkable improvements in their development. Within just a few months, their reading skills have significantly improved. They have also become proficient in reciting and memorizing simple Duas and Surahs.

Among all the subjects taught at Genius Aulad, Muhammad Syahir particularly loves Math and Mind. It’s incredible to see his enthusiasm and interest in these subjects grow.

What he appreciates the most about Genius Aulad is the way the teachers teach. The teachers at Genius Aulad Bandar Melaka have a unique approach that captures my child’s attention and makes learning enjoyable. Their teaching methods foster a love for learning and ensure that the children have a memorable educational experience.

As fellow parents, I would like to encourage everyone to choose a preschool that prioritizes both academic and social development. Genius Aulad has been a blessing to our family, and I believe it can positively impact other children’s futures as well.

Puan Adawiyah

Mother to Nur Aurora

Assalamualaikum, my name is Adawiyah. I am the mother of Nur Aurora from GENIUS AULAD Elmina.

I want to express my gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for providing the best Islamic-based education program for my daughter. I am thankful that GENIUS AULAD, a trusted and experienced preschool brand, has opened its center in Elmina.

I am pleased with Aurora’s continuous development. Alhamdulillah, she has shown improvement in reciting and memorizing simple Surahs and Duas, as well as in her reading skills. Most importantly, I am delighted with her good manners, which GENIUS AULAD helps to nurture, building her positive character.

Additionally, Aurora’s enthusiasm for attending GENIUS AULAD is evident in her love for dancing, singing, and playing with her friends. It brings me joy to see her happy and engaged in her learning environment.

In conclusion, I extend my sincerest appreciation to GENIUS AULAD Elmina for its dedication to providing an exceptional educational experience for Aurora and all the children. May GENIUS AULAD continue to nurture young hearts and minds, empowering them to become exemplary individuals guided by Islamic principles. Ameen!

Lastly, GENIUS AULAD’s Genius-Balanced Methodology truly makes my daughter happy and helps her enjoy what she learns! Thank you, GENIUS AULAD!

Encik Ammar Rabbani

Father to Ahmad Ghazi

Assalamualaikum, my name is Ammar Rabbani. I am the father of Ahmad Ghazi, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Cassia. I would like to express my gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for offering a high-quality Islamic preschool with the Genius-Balanced Methodology.

My son truly enjoys going to school; his teachers are incredibly caring and devoted. He has started to learn basic English words and enjoys singing educational and Islamic songs. I am delighted to see him happy to attend school every day and appreciate the dedication of his teachers.

My son’s time at GENIUS AULAD has been truly remarkable. The nurturing environment and committed teachers have nurtured his passion for learning and cultivated a deep appreciation for knowledge within him. I have personally witnessed his academic and personal growth since he started attending GENIUS AULAD.

In conclusion, I am profoundly grateful to GENIUS AULAD Bandar Cassia for providing such a nurturing and enriching learning environment for my son and all the children. May GENIUS AULAD continue to excel in shaping young minds and instilling strong Islamic values.


Puan Nor Hazreen Fuad

Mother to Nur Safwah Humayraa

Assalamualaikum everyone, my name is Nor Hazreen Fuad, and I am the proud mother of Nur Safwah Humayraa from GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning. I want to take this moment to extend my sincere gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning for their unwavering support and dedication in ensuring our child’s happiness and learning.

Since enrolling my daughter in GENIUS AULAD, I have witnessed remarkable improvements in her mathematical skills and reading abilities. Safwah has developed a love for Mathematics! Furthermore, her confidence and social skills have flourished, and she eagerly participates in various learning activities and events such as Little Hajj and field trips.

I am profoundly thankful to GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning for fostering such a nurturing and enriching environment for our children’s growth and development. May this institution continue to ignite the curiosity and potential of young minds for many generations to come.

Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for providing the best education for my child!