Category: Parenting

July 26, 2021 by admin 0 Comments


This pandemic has affected many lives and families around the world. School closures, working-from-home, physical distancing is actually a huge responsibility for parents to perceive. We understand that school closures are a lot for parents to handle.

Dear mummy and daddy, your child might demand around-the-clock attention and parenting while juggling conference calls, never-ending emails, and tight deadlines can be stressful. WE FEEL YOU, PARENTS! Check out tips on supporting children in learning at home and making sure your children’s education is on track while they’re staying home. Insha Allah.

If you struggle to stay productive while working from home, this advice may help you, and May Allah eases all our affairs.

Credit: Robert Jenkins, UNICEF’s Global Chief of Education, on tips to help keep children’s education on track while they’re staying home. 🏡



January 20, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

“Tiada gajet boleh ganti cara guru mengajar di sekolah.”


Pembelajaran secara digital boleh dilakukan tetapi bukan untuk jangka masa panjang walaupun semua pelajar memiliki peranti dan ibu bapa mempunyai masa untuk memantau anak-anak.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif GAINS Education Group, dan Pengasas GENIUS AULAD, Puan Zaliza Alias berkata, tiada gajet yang boleh menggantikan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara bersemuka dengan guru di sekolah.

“Tidak ada gajet yang boleh menggantikan cara guru melihat pelajar dan tidak ada suara yang boleh menggantikan keriuhan di dalam kelas.

“Tidak ada ‘online game’ yang boleh menggantikan keseronokan pelajar berlari-lari, berpeluh dan kotor ketika bermain di padang,” katanya selaku panelis pada Wacana Sinar Edisi Ke-226 bertajuk Setahun tertinggal sekolah: Apa nasib anak kita? yang disiarkan secara langsung di semua platform media sosial Sinar Harian pada Selasa.


Dua lagi panelis yang membincangkan isu itu ialah Presiden Majlis Permuafakatan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru Nasional (PIBGN), Profesor Madya Datuk Dr Mohamad Ali Hasan dan Penyampai Radio dan Pengacara Televisyen (TV), Muhammad Azmir Selamat atau lebih dikenali sebagai AG manakala Personaliti TV, Herleena Pahlavy bertindak sebagai moderator.

Menurutnya, pendidikan merupakan satu perjalanan dan proses menimba pengalaman selain tidak boleh diperoleh di atas kertas atau melalui buku.

Justeru, jelas beliau, penerimaan pendidikan secara psikologi kepada anak-anak perlu dilihat dalam konteks Dasar Pendidikan Negara.

“Dalam Dasar Pendidikan Negara perlu ada empat elemen, barulah dasar pendidikan itu lengkap iaitu pendidikan yang membawa kesejahteraan kepada jasmani, emosi, rohani dan intelektual.

“Pembelajaran dalam talian sebenarnya hanya meliputi intelektual. Itu pun dari sudut akademik sahaja, bukan intelektual secara keseluruhan. Yang lain semua tak dapat kita capai lagi,” katanya.

Sehubungan itu, Zaliza berkata, tiga pihak utama iaitu guru, ibu bapa dan anak-anak perlu mempunyai hubungan kerjasama yang erat bagi memastikan anak-anak yang setahun tidak ke sekolah secara formal tidak ketinggalan dalam pelajaran.

“Kita tidak boleh kata guru saja kena rajin, anak murid dan ibu bapa pun kena rajin. Bukan sahaja dalam pembelajaran digital tapi kalau pembelajaran secara bersemuka pun, kalau ibu bapa tak rajin nak buka beg anak, tak rajin bercerita dan sebagainya, pembelajaran tidak akan berjaya.

“Jadi ibu bapa kena betul-betul rajin kalau nak pembelajaran digital betul-betul menjadi,” katanya.

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June 23, 2020 by admin 0 Comments



5 intipati perkongsian daripada Puan Zaliza Alias, Pengasas Tadika francais GENIUS AULAD di program Realiti Rakyat @ ASTRO AWANI, 8.30pagi, 23 Jun 2020 :

1. Kesiapsiagaan untuk pembukaan Tadika adalah tanggungjawab, kepercayaan dan tugas bersama yang perlu digalasan oleh 3 pihak iaitu Ibubapa, guru-guru dan pihak pengurusan sekolah.

2. Matlamat Falsafah Pendidikan Negara tidak dapat dicapai dengan “remote learning”. Perkembangan kanak-kanak perlukan pendidkan yang holistik.

3. Keseronokkan dalam pembelajaran dan rasa seronok hendak ke sekolah itu boleh diteruskan dengan pelbagai cara dan permainan bertemakan Penjarakan Sosial dan Kebersihan. Contoh yang diberikan : anak-anak menggerakkan “kapal angkasa” mereka menuju ke setiap “planet” dengan penjarakkan, guru-guru bersalaman dengan “tangan robot”, sambut anak-anak dengan kostum arnab dan sebagainya.

4. Kanak-kanak perlu diterangkan kenapa perlunya penjarakkan sosial dan kebersihan, samada di rumah, di sekolah atau di mana saja. Mereka berupaya memahami, mudah dibentuk dengan rutin dan lebih mengikut kata guru untuk mendidik mereka dengan normal baru dengan pelbagai cara kreatif.

5. Kanak-kanak akan menghadapi keadaan ini bukan sahaja sebulan dua, tapi mungkin bertahun lagi dengan pelbagai kemungkinan. Dengan hampir semua sektor dan industri kini dibuka sepenuhnya , kita perlu menyiapkan anak-anak kita dengan kebiasaan keselamatan norma baru untuk menghadapi dunia sebenar demi masa hadapan mereka.

Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat untuk semua.
Inshaa Allah.

April 14, 2020 by admin 0 Comments


How’s the learning session at home? Dear parent, we hope you have a great time with your child.

Do you view art as just messy playtime for kids? Or do you realize it’s so much more than that? Art can be good for kids in many ways.

Who wants to be creative and play with colors? Get your children to fold a piece of paper in half, use their finger and take watercolor to draw one side of the butterfly.

Painting using the children’s finger can help your children communicate their emotions or feelings. Through the use of different colors, they can express themselves without the use of words.

Such activity also aids children to improve hand-eye coordination, an important skill in their age. This is developed while they learn to paint the parts that they see, making sure their hand movement is matched with their vision.

Literacy, although it means communication, it does not necessarily involves speaking and writing only. It also involves listening and reading. How about singing? Let’s sing this song together!


Dear Mommy and Daddy, have a fun learning session with your child!

Share your activity’s photo or video on the social media and tag us. Don’t forget to #GoGENIUS.

March 30, 2020 by admin 0 Comments


Let’s do some exploration today! It is always fun teaching children through fun and games, and one of the best and most fun ways of helping your child develop some much-needed life skills such as problem-solving and getting some good exercise for both the mind and body is through a simple treasure hunt.

The second children development that is important is the physical development. Physical development can either be fine motor skill or gross motor skill. This includes running, clapping, writing, or even blinking their eyes. To ensure that the developments are met, parents have to provide the necessary activities for children to explore their physical senses. This particular activity would help!

The treasure hunt is a famous and most loved game that can be played by either groups or individuals where they compete to see who can gather all the items from a list.



Dear Mommy and Daddy, have a fun learning session with your child!

Share your activity’s photo or video on the social media and tag us. Don’t forget to #GoGENIUS.

March 24, 2020 by admin 0 Comments


Let’s keep the learning process going at home! To help, we have prepared a simple art activity to keep your child occupied with a fun learning activity at home.

Did you know that rubbing art technique was one of the oldest way of printmaking? By rubbing crayons over a surface and reproducing the raised elements of that surface you are reproducing print of it.

Remember the 4 children development? Well, this activity focuses on their cognitive development. When they rub on different kinds of leaves, they will see different patterns. They will learn that not all leaves look the same and has the same shape. They will realize that if a leaf is taken from a different tree, it will look different. Be a good teacher and let them as questions! Make sure you do some homework beforehand 😊


Dear Mommy and Daddy, have a fun learning session with your child!

Share your activity’s photo or video on the social media and tag us. Don’t forget to #GoGENIUS.

March 23, 2020 by admin 0 Comments


School isn’t the only place for learning. As a Genius Aulad parent, you are indeed a part of our learning experience too!

When your child is at home, you are their teacher. However, everything doesn’t have to feel like a classroom lesson. Get your kids excited about discovering something new by disguising the learning activities as fun time.

Try this interactive storytelling that you can do at home with your child. From imaginative play and simple origami to rhythm and story activities, there are so many wonderful ways to integrate with the Road Trip Story.

While having fun, you will also help them develop their skills. By telling this story, let them practice physical skills when doing origami, let them brush the literacy when learning new words, let them explore their socio-emotional when talking about their experiences, and let them develop their cognitive brain when figuring our new shapes and movements.


Dear Mommy and Daddy, have a fun learning session with your child!

Share your activity’s photo or video on the social media and tag us. Don’t forget to #GoGENIUS.

March 2, 2020 by admin 0 Comments

5 cara “bermain” di dalam Masjid!

Sudah bersedia nak bawa anak-anak ke masjid RAMADHAN ini ? Sebelum itu, jom kita fikir satu persoalan – Perlukah kita memarahi anak-anak yang bermain di dalam masjid ? Memang naluri setiap anak2 adalah bermain , dan kita sepatutnya “bermain” bersama mereka — ya, walaupun di dalam masjid. Bagaimanakah caranya?

We learn a lot from our GENIUS AULAD children as we practice Solat every day with them. In fact, the first GENIUS AULAD outdoor activity EVERY YEAR is to bring children to the Masjid — to learn on how to respect and love the masjids.

Here are what we learn from our children, about play and pray in the masjid :-

    1. Arranging shoes is game ! Children love to sort and arrange things – only if we make it as a game , not a chore. SUGGESTION : Arrange shoes according to sizes from big to small , or arrange according to colours. (IMPORTANT : But how do they play that if we adults just “campak” our shoes just like that without arranging? Some adults even “pijak” other people’s shoes just like that ! )
    2. “Sila Beratur” – Lining up is a game ! See how children find it fun to take turns , to stand behind each other , to do “choo-choo train”to make lines .
      (IMPORTANT : But how do children play that if we adults love to cut the lines, always want to rush others, even block other cars at the car park etc? )
    3. Wudhu’ is a fun water play ! Children may not take their Wudhu’ perfectly yet , but they love the every opportunity to the “water play” with their friends, washing every part of wudhu’ in sequence.
      (NOTE : Adab of using toilets in the masjids is just as important as Adab of Wudhu’. How do we teach children that Wudhu’ is to clean ourselves when the toilets are uncared for by us adults? Even worse, some adults take masjid toilets as the place to throw their babies’ diapers !!! Familiar with that sight? May Allah guide us.)
    4. To be in the Saf is a game ! Children love to stand side by side , shoulder to shoulder , feet to feet. Believe it or not, it is a Discipline-Game . It is the best time to discipline a child, that even the most active among them want to participate and stand in the line.
      (IMPORTANT: But how do they play that when we adults keep pushing them out of the Saf , hushing and saying that they are not supposed to be in the same line , really ? Well at least, could we accomodate the sides Saf for them so that they can be together with us? )
    5. Every play has a rule and has the aim. Children love to be explained that the aim for Solat is to aim for Jannah , to aim for Jannah is to gain the mercy of Allah , to gain the mercy of Allah is to thank Allah, to obey Allah and to love Allah as our Creator. To the children , it is a play that comes from their loving heart.
    6. (IMPORTANT : But how do they play that when adults are seen busy with their handphones and gadgets in the masjids , even at the time of Khutbah? Worse , when adults give them handphone and gadgets to play in the masjid – with the sound on ! )

In the end, “Children see, Children Do ” – is the name of the game. We adults set the example of the game, and yet we scolded our children for playing it .

Let’s play the love and respect for our children together. Inshaaa Allah

Lead The Way.

February 28, 2020 by admin 0 Comments

Bernama Radio: What’s next after Pre-school?

Principal Muhamad Hafizi Mihzan, or more fondly known as Ustaz Muhamad, was the special guest on the eighth episode of our #GOGENIUS Program on Bernama Radio. Currently the principal of Sekolah Tinta, he used to be the Principal of Islamic Education in Genius Aulad. He shared that Sekolah Tinta is in its 2nd year of operation, and as Malaysia’s first STEM-based primary school that utilizes KSSR as its main curriculum, it is the continuity that Genius Aulad students can look forward to after graduating from their preschool stage. The following is an extract of his episode:

Is it the responsibility of preschool teachers to ensure that children are ready to enter primary school?

When we speak of readiness, I believe that it is a collective effort of both educators and parents. Throughout preschool, there are four basic areas of development that we help the children to develop that will help them adapt to primary school: socio-emotional, cognitive, physical and communication. All these basic things are not something that children can learn perfectly in simply one place and time. These developments take place depending on the condition of the environment that they are in and how they view them. I believe that the environment in preschool and primary are vastly different, and therefore parents should also contribute and help out in the development of these four different areas. Looking at Genius Aulad’s “Lessons Beyond Classroom!” tagline, it means that learning does not only take place within the classroom walls; we must make use of any learning space available to provide new experiences to our children. If you ask me, learning space is everywhere and life is a school. Therefore, parents can play a role beyond preschool, and teachers can play their part in preschool.

Will what children learn in preschool contribute to how they adapt to primary school?

The name itself, PRESCHOOL, would imply that it is a starter programme that will prepare them for a formal learning environment. It is at this stage that they will learn things that will ease them through the process of adapting to primary school, such as self-management skills, character building, basic academic knowledge and so on. Preschool is a great platform to nurture a child’s mood and general outlook towards their years of formal education.

What are some of the skills that parents should instill in children to prepare them for primary school?

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Money Skills
  3. Self-Management Skills

At Sekolah Tinta, how do you manage the first graders?

During Orientation Week, we would establish transition programmes that would help our first graders to get used to their new school environment. Typically, during the first month or so, we can still see their “preschool” behavior. The approach that we would practice in this period would be incorporated with playful elements. For example, one of the biggest differences between preschool and primary school is Play Time. That’s why, we have that in Sekolah Tinta as well (other than their actual recess time or physical education lessons), to provide them with a mood-booster that will make them feel more excited about going to school. Besides that, through our STEM-based approaches, we are honing their natural creativity and playful curiosity in a way that would keep them interested in their academics. We also practice regular recognition of their progress and achievements in school, by having Student of the Week, to show the students that we are grateful for their hard work and effort.

For more of Ustaz Muhamad’s insightful take on a child’s life after preschool, give our eighth episode of #GOGENIUS on Bernama Radio a listen! Do be sure to catch the next episode as well, as we’ve got a lot more things to share that parents might find useful in handling their child’s preschool experience.

February 4, 2020 by admin 0 Comments



Genius Aulad Sama Sama Run 2020



All participants must agree to the rules and regulations before registering for the race :

  1.  Participant age below 6 must be accompanied by parent / guardian.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to close entries before the deadline without any notice once the race quota is full.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to limit and refuse entries without reason.
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to contact and to interview applicants by phone or otherwise for additional information required for matters relating to their applications.
  5. Entry fees are non-refundable once full payment is received.
  6. Confirmed registrations are not transferable to other persons unless are allowed by The Organizer within the transfer window.
  7. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entries once the entry is accepted if any applicants provide false information, do not make the required payment, or fail to meet entry requirements as stated in the entry form.
  8. Should the event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of The Organizer (including heavy rain, thunder storm or disaster, public rally), no refund of the entry fee will be made, and The Organizer shall have no further responsibility and /or liability thereafter.
  9. No pets, or any form of wheel-run objects of transport e.g. inline skates, prams, shoes with built-in or attached rollers is not allowed on the course during the except official race and medical vehicles. Organizer reserves the right to remove participants who fail to adhere to the stipulated rules and regulations from the race route immediately.
  10. Running is not a risk-free sport and therefore each runner must ensure his / her health condition is fit before participating and during the race. Each runner shall be responsible with his / her own health / condition. The Organizer shall not be responsible for personal injury or death during or after the race.
  11. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow / disqualify any person who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in the event.
  12. The Organizer and its agents will not be held responsible for any issues relating to parking at the venue. Participants are advised to follow the instructions given by traffic personnel for proper parking. The Organizer and its agent will not be responsible due to losses suffered in the event of break incident or vandalism to the vehicles of participants. Proper vigilance must be exercised by all participants when parking their vehicles.


  1. By participating I / we accept all risks necessarily resulting from my participation, which would result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I will not be held liable all people associated with the conduct of events and will release them against all matters arising from my participation in event. For clarification, the people released include event organizers, promoters, sponsors, managers, officers, employees, agents, contractors and volunteers including event medical and paramedical personnel and every personnel invited and asked to be involve in the event by the organizers. This release and indemnity continue forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assignees.
  2. I / we understand that I park my vehicle at my own risk and assume organizers to not hold any responsibility for loss of or damage to my vehicle.
  3. I / we acknowledge that the event involves real risk of serious injuries, or risk of death, from various causes including over exertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other competitors, spectators and road users, the course and weather conditions, just to name a few.
  4. I / we understand that I should not participate in the event unless I have prepared appropriately, and my physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner.
  5. I / we understand that the information that I have provided herein will be included in The Organizer database. I also understand that information of a biological nature including my name, date of birth, home state, results, career highlights and interests may be released to the media in response to general requests.
  6. I / we agree to abide by all the Rules of organizers which relate, in part, to safe and fair sporting practices.
  7. I / we grant organizers unconditional rights to use at their discretion photographic pictures and personal information in any form of media, art, advertising, trade, visual documentary, promotional material, merchandise or film coverage of any kind without compensation to me. I also waive the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the copy that may be used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.
  8. I / we have permission from my family and related sport associations to compete in this event.

Dear mommy and daddy, get in touch with our dedicated teacher nationwide to know more:

Genius Aulad Centers 2020

Encik Mohd Hafizan

Father to Hana Sofea

Assalamualaikum, I am Mohd Hafizan, father to Hana Sofea, a student at GENIUS AULAD Bertam. We chose GENIUS AULAD primarily because of its convenient location and its approach to learning, which focuses on individual milestones through the Genius-Balanced Methodology. This approach resonated with us as parents, knowing that our child would not only be learning but also enjoying the process.

Since enrolling at GENIUS AULAD, I’ve observed significant improvements in her ability to socialize and her confidence in reciting various Duas and Surahs. These developments have been crucial in her overall growth and have instilled in her important Islamic values.

She particularly enjoys the Science & Crafts and Physical Literacy programs. These programs allow her to express herself creatively and engage in hands-on learning experiences that she finds enjoyable and stimulating.

Her favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD include the opportunities for free play, engaging sing-along sessions, and the chance to recite duas with her friends. These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also foster a sense of community and belonging.

I would like to commend the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and encourage them to continue identifying each child’s strengths and weaknesses. By addressing areas of improvement and providing support, you play a crucial role in helping every child reach their full potential.

Puan Suhailah Suhami

Mother to Ahmad Dzulfiqry Arif

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Suhailah Suhami, mother of Ahmad Dzulfiqry Arif, a student at GENIUS AULAD Traders Square. I chose GENIUS AULAD because of its spacious and comfortable learning environment for children. It was important for me to find a place where he could learn and grow comfortably.

Since my son started attending GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his academic skills. He can now count, knows the alphabet, and can even do simple math additions. These developments are a testament to the effective teaching methods established at GENIUS AULAD. His favorite program is Arabic Funworks. He finds joy in learning the Arabic letters and is excited to expand his knowledge in this area.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD are the presence of good teachers who make learning enjoyable and the opportunity to make friends. These positive relationships contribute to his overall learning experience and make him look forward to going to school every day.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and commitment to providing a nurturing learning environment for our children. My advice for fellow parents is to actively engage with your child’s education and communicate openly with teachers to effectively support your child’s development.

Puan Nur Fatin Ameera

Mother to Adam Mikhael

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Nur Fatin Ameera, the mother of Adam Mikhael, who is a student at GENIUS AULAD Bandar Baru Uda.

We chose GENIUS AULAD because of its English Islamic-oriented curriculum. It was important to us that he receives an education that not only focuses on academic excellence but also integrates Islamic values into his learning experience.

Since he started attending GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his soft skills and attitude. He has become more confident, respectful, and cooperative, which are essential qualities for his overall development.

His favorite program is Science & Crafts. He enjoys expressing his creativity through various artistic activities and finds joy in exploring different colors, shapes, and textures.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD are the opportunity to make good friends and the presence of loving teachers who make learning enjoyable and meaningful for him.

I would like to express my appreciation to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and care towards our children.

Puan Nurul Azreen

Mother to Saif Qaiser

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I am Nurul Azreen, the mother of Saif Qaiser, a student at GENIUS AULAD The Prime Puchong.

I chose GENIUS AULAD primarily because of its emphasis on Islamic learning. As a mother, I wanted my child to receive a holistic education that not only focuses on academic excellence but also nurtures his Islamic identity and values.

Since enrolling at GENIUS AULAD, I’ve noticed significant improvements in his Solat Practice and his ability to recite short Duas. These are fundamental aspects of his Islamic upbringing, and I am pleased to see him developing a stronger connection through his education at GENIUS AULAD.

My son particularly enjoys engaging in Science & Crafts and Little Qari & Starter Words Program. These programs allow him to express his creativity and imagination while also developing important skills such as fine motor skills and literacy.

His favorite aspects of GENIUS AULAD include the opportunities for creative expression through craft activities and the chance to explore new stories and ideas through reading. These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also help him develop a love for learning that will benefit him throughout his life.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment for our children. My advice to fellow parents is to actively engage with your child’s education and to support the efforts of the teachers in nurturing their growth and development, both academically and spiritually.

Puan Raihana Adila

Mother to Raisha Hanani

Assalamualaikum everyone, I am Raihana Adila, a proud mother to Raisha Hanani, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Baru Uda.

We chose GENIUS AULAD because of its positive learning environment, which has had a significant impact on my daughter. Raisha loves attending this school, and her enthusiasm speaks volumes about the quality of education and care she receives there.

I’ve noticed remarkable improvements in Raisha’s social skills since she started attending GENIUS AULAD. She has become more confident in communicating with her peers and has developed the ability to make friends easily. This growth in her social abilities has been truly wonderful to witness.

Raisha’s favorite program is Maths & Mind. She has a natural affinity for numbers and thoroughly enjoys the challenges and rewards that come with learning mathematical concepts.

One of the things Raisha loves most about GENIUS AULAD is the vibrant and colorful classrooms, which create a stimulating learning environment. Additionally, she enjoys the hands-on activities that engage her in the learning process and make it fun and memorable.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their dedication and commitment to nurturing our children. Your efforts make a significant difference in the lives of our children, and we are truly thankful for everything you do.

Puan Lilia Edlina

Mother to Kafeel Eyhsan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, my name is Lilia Edlina. I’m the mother of Kafeel Eyhsan Bin Khairul Fadzly from GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

Enrolling all three of my children at GENIUS AULAD has been one of the best decisions I’ve made as a parent. They have all had incredibly enriching and exciting learning experiences that have contributed significantly to their development.

Kafeel, in particular, has thrived at GENIUS AULAD Gombak. His enthusiasm for school is evident in his eagerness to wake up every morning and his excitement to see his teachers and friends. It warms my heart to hear him share stories about his day at school with such joy and enthusiasm.

I am delighted to see Kafeel’s love for learning flourishing, with English @ Ease and Bijak Bahasa being his favorite programs. GENIUS AULAD’s engaging and comprehensive approach to education has ignited his curiosity and passion for these subjects, which is truly commendable.

In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to GENIUS AULAD Gombak for providing an exceptional educational environment where my children can thrive and grow. May GENIUS AULAD continue to inspire young minds and nurture future leaders for many years to come.

Encik Muhammad Azreen

Father to Nurzara Qalisha

Assalamualaikum, my name is Muhammad Azreen, father to Nurzara Qalisha. It warms my heart to hear about the positive impact GENIUS AULAD Selayang has had on my daughter’s early education journey. The nurturing environment provided by the dedicated teachers has played a pivotal role in her development.

The fact that our daughter can recite Surahs, the alphabet, and numbers showcases the effectiveness of the GENIUS-BALANCED METHODOLOGY approach. The incorporation of religious teachings alongside academic subjects reflects the school’s dedication to providing a well-rounded educational experience.

As our daughter graduates from GENIUS AULAD Selayang, it’s evident that she is leaving not only with academic achievements but also with a strong foundation for personal and social development.

The gratitude expressed toward the teachers and the entire team at GENIUS AULAD speaks volumes about the positive and supportive community that has been built within the preschool.

As our family bids farewell to GENIUS AULAD Selayang, the memories and lessons learned will surely be cherished. The school’s influence on our daughter’s formative years will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for her future academic endeavors and personal growth.

Wishing our daughter continued success in her educational journey, and may the positive values instilled at GENIUS AULAD continue to guide her in all her future endeavors. Ameen.

Encik Azmarley Marzuki

Father to Muhammad Uwais

Assalamualaikum, my name is Azmarley Marzuki, father to Muhammad Uwais. Choosing the right preschool for our children is a significant decision. When selecting a place for my son, I considered several factors. After extensive research and recommendations from friends and family, I chose GENIUS AULAD Putrajaya Presint 15. I wanted an environment that would provide a holistic educational experience, and GENIUS AULAD stood out as the perfect choice for this.

One of the things I appreciate about GENIUS AULAD is that it has sparked a genuine love for learning in my son. When asked about his favorite program, he consistently says, “Everything is good.” This response reflects the center’s ability to make learning fun and engaging across various programs. Alhamdulillah.

While education is undoubtedly top-notch, it’s not just the lessons that he treasures about GENIUS AULAD. The friendships he has formed there are a source of joy and fulfillment.

To the teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD, I am immensely grateful for your unwavering support and guidance.

To fellow parents considering GENIUS AULAD, our experience here has been incredibly positive. The decision to enroll my child at GENIUS AULAD has proven to be a wise one.

In conclusion, GENIUS AULAD 15 has provided me with an educational journey full of growth and inspiration for my child. I have seen improvements in every aspect of his development, and I look forward to many more years of journey with the best Islamic Preschool in Malaysia. Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for being a pillar of support in my child’s journey to excellence.

Puan Siti Hajar Zahidah Mohd Zain

Mother to Muhammad Harraz Mikael

Assalamualaikum, my name is Siti Hajar Zahidah Mohd Zain, and I am the mother of Muhammad Harraz Mikael. I’d like to share our experience as parents at GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bahru.

When it came to choosing a preschool for Harraz, my husband and I had several options, but GENIUS AULAD stood out for its Islamic values and quality education. We believe that a strong foundation in Islamic principles is essential, and GENIUS AULAD has not disappointed us in this regard.

One of the most significant improvements I’ve noticed in my son’s development since he started attending GENIUS AULAD is his newfound ability to work independently.

My son’s love for learning has been further nurtured by the Genius-Balanced Methodology at GENIUS AULAD. He particularly enjoys the free play and purposeful play activities that are incorporated into various programs. It’s heartwarming to see him excited about learning, and we credit GENIUS AULAD for igniting his passion. 

Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the dedicated teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD. Your commitment to providing quality education and nurturing the children is commendable.

In conclusion, my experience with GENIUS AULAD has been incredibly positive, and I look forward to seeing my son’s continued growth and development in this nurturing environment. Thank you for being an essential part of my son’s educational journey.

Encik Shaiful Azmi Kussenan

Father to Aina Aisyah Syuhadah

Assalamualaikum, my name is Shaiful Azmi Kussenan. I am the father of Aina Aisyah Syuhadah, who attends GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

I am thrilled to share my daughter’s experience at GENIUS AULAD Gombak. As a proud father, I have witnessed remarkable progress in my child’s development during her time here.

I chose GENIUS AULAD because it provides an excellent environment for young children to start their educational journey. I sought a nurturing environment to foster my child’s growth, and GENIUS AULAD has exceeded my expectations.

GENIUS AULAD’s approach to all programs has made learning enjoyable and engaging for her, igniting her passion for knowledge. It warms my heart to see her eagerly anticipating school every day. Alhamdulillah.

To the dedicated teachers and fellow parents at GENIUS AULAD, I have one simple message: “I am a satisfied parent.” I deeply appreciate the hard work and dedication of the teachers, and I am grateful for the sense of community and good communication practices demonstrated by GENIUS AULAD for our family.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for nurturing my child’s development and providing a positive and enriching educational experience. We eagerly anticipate continued growth and learning in this wonderful journey.

Puan Nurul Haizum

Mother to Putri Nur Mikayla

Assalamualaikum, my name is Nurul Haizum. I’m a mother to Putri Nur Mikayla, who attends GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

When it comes to her favorite program, she often excitedly mentions that she loves “ABC.” It’s heartwarming to see her enthusiasm for learning and how Genius Aulad fosters a love for education. This enthusiasm for the basics of language and literacy is proof of the engaging and effective teaching methods applied at Genius Aulad.

One of the things she appreciates the most about Genius Aulad is her friends and teachers. The friendships she has formed at the preschool have been invaluable in her social development. The teachers are not just educators but also mentors and role models, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages our children to thrive and learn.

To the teachers and fellow parents at Genius Aulad, I would like to express my gratitude and offer some advice. Keep up the good work in nurturing our children’s growth and happiness. Your dedication and passion make a significant difference in our children’s lives. Let’s continue to work together to ensure that our children are excited to go to school every day, setting a strong foundation for their future.

In conclusion, Genius Aulad Gombak has played a pivotal role in my daughter’s development, and I couldn’t be happier with our choice. I look forward to watching her continued growth and success, knowing that she is in capable hands at Genius Aulad.

Puan Masrida Mokhtar

Mother to Nur Mysha Tihani

Assalamualaikum everyone, I’m Masrida Mokhtar, mother of Nur Mysha Tihani from Genius Aulad The Prime in Puchong.

Alhamdulillah, I’m excited to share my thoughts about GENIUS AULAD and the amazing journey my child has started here.

When choosing an early childhood education center, convenience was important to me. GENIUS AULAD’s proximity to our home makes it practical and reassuring to know my child is nearby and in safe hands.

GENIUS AULAD has a special charm, and my child particularly enjoys the engaging activities. The creative approach to learning through fun activities keeps her excited and eager to explore new concepts.

I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated teachers and fellow parents for being part of this enriching journey. Strong communication between parents and teachers is crucial, and I encourage us all to keep it up. Regular updates on our children’s progress allow us to actively participate in their development.

In conclusion, I’m grateful to GENIUS AULAD for providing a fun learning environment for our children. Let’s continue to support and inspire each other in our shared commitment to our children’s bright future.

Thank you, and may our children continue to thrive under GENIUS AULAD’s guidance.

Encik Muhammad Shar'iman Bin Shahar

Father to Putri Inara Zahirah

Assalamualaikum, my name is Muhammad Shar’iman Bin Shahar, father to Putri Inara Zahirah from Genius Aulad Presint 15, Putrajaya.

Choosing the right preschool for our children is a decision of immense significance in shaping their early years. When it came to selecting a preschool aligned with good values and providing a strong foundation in both academics and Islamic principles, GENIUS AULAD was undoubtedly my first choice.

Among the subjects taught, it’s heartening to see my daughter’s genuine love for mathematics. This shows that the teachers at GENIUS AULAD Presint 15, Putrajaya, have found ways to make learning enjoyable and engaging, even in complex subjects. The nurturing environment and dedicated teachers have undoubtedly played a significant role in fostering this enthusiasm for learning.

What my daughter loves most about GENIUS AULAD is not only the learning but also the friendships she has built and the guidance from her teachers. The bond she shares with her peers and the care she receives create a sense of belonging that enhances her overall experience. As a father, I am truly grateful for this warm and encouraging atmosphere that supports her growth. Alhamdulillah.

In conclusion, I would like to express my appreciation to the teachers and staff at GENIUS AULAD. Your dedication, passion, and commitment to nurturing our children’s minds are truly commendable. To my fellow parents, I wholeheartedly recommend GENIUS AULAD as a preschool that not only imparts knowledge but also shapes character, creating a strong foundation for our children’s future. Your choice will undoubtedly be as rewarding as ours. Insha Allah.  

Puan Roshaniza

Mother to Nour El Zahra

Assalamualaikum, my name is Roshaniza. I’m a mother to Nour El Zahra Binti Azhar, who attends GENIUS AULAD The Prime, Puchong.

As a parent, choosing the right school for our child is a decision that impacts their development and future. For me, the choice was clear – GENIUS AULAD. The preschool’s outstanding reputation and achievements in guiding and teaching children have set it apart from other options in the area.

When I enrolled my daughter at GENIUS AULAD, I had high hopes for her growth and learning experience. The decision was primarily influenced by the center’s proven track record of nurturing and educating young children. I wanted a place where my child would not only excel academically but also flourish emotionally and socially. GENIUS AULAD appeared to be the perfect fit. Alhamdulillah.

As a parent, one of the joys of witnessing your child’s growth is seeing them develop a love for learning. At GENIUS AULAD, my daughter has found her passion in reading books. GENIUS AULAD’s fun learning method has not only instilled a love for reading but has also cultivated critical thinking and analytical skills that extend beyond the pages of a book.

When I asked my daughter what she likes most about GENIUS AULAD, her response was both heartwarming and humorous – “Meeting friends.” It is a testament to the nurturing environment the center provides, where children not only learn but also form meaningful connections with their peers.

GENIUS AULAD has proven to be an excellent choice for my daughter’s educational journey. Alhamdulillah!

Puan Farashaheema Abd Jalal

Mother to Mysha Rania

Assalamualaikum, my name is Farashaheema Bt Abd Jalal. I am a mother to Mysha Rania, who is currently attending GENIUS AULAD Gombak.

The reason I decided to enroll my daughter at GENIUS AULAD was its balanced and effective learning methods for children, which are easy to understand and effective. The well-trained teachers impressed me, and I truly appreciate how they integrate play-based learning, making it more engaging and practical for my child. Thank you, teachers!

My daughter has shown a keen interest in Science & Crafts, as well as Maths & Mind subjects. The interactive and hands-on approach to teaching these subjects at GENIUS AULAD has undoubtedly contributed to her preference for them.

To other parents considering GENIUS AULAD, I highly recommend this Islamic preschool for its holistic approach to education. Witnessing the transformation in my child has been incredibly rewarding, and I believe your children can also benefit greatly from the nurturing environment and expert guidance provided by the teachers here.

Alhamdulillah, I am grateful for the positive impact GENIUS AULAD Gombak has had on my child’s development. It has been a rewarding journey so far, and I eagerly look forward to witnessing more growth and progress in the future. Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for being an integral part of my child’s learning experience.

Puan Hanis Binti Hasan@Ahmad

Mother to Muhammad Syahir

Assalamualaikum, my name is Hanis Binti Hasan@Ahmad. I am a mother to Muhammad Syahir Bin Md Syahmi, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Melaka.

I want to express my appreciation to all the teachers at GENIUS AULAD for their care and dedication in making my child love going to school and keeping him happy!

Since my children started attending Genius Aulad, we have noticed remarkable improvements in their development. Within just a few months, their reading skills have significantly improved. They have also become proficient in reciting and memorizing simple Duas and Surahs.

Among all the subjects taught at Genius Aulad, Muhammad Syahir particularly loves Math and Mind. It’s incredible to see his enthusiasm and interest in these subjects grow.

What he appreciates the most about Genius Aulad is the way the teachers teach. The teachers at Genius Aulad Bandar Melaka have a unique approach that captures my child’s attention and makes learning enjoyable. Their teaching methods foster a love for learning and ensure that the children have a memorable educational experience.

As fellow parents, I would like to encourage everyone to choose a preschool that prioritizes both academic and social development. Genius Aulad has been a blessing to our family, and I believe it can positively impact other children’s futures as well.

Puan Adawiyah

Mother to Nur Aurora

Assalamualaikum, my name is Adawiyah. I am the mother of Nur Aurora from GENIUS AULAD Elmina.

I want to express my gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for providing the best Islamic-based education program for my daughter. I am thankful that GENIUS AULAD, a trusted and experienced preschool brand, has opened its center in Elmina.

I am pleased with Aurora’s continuous development. Alhamdulillah, she has shown improvement in reciting and memorizing simple Surahs and Duas, as well as in her reading skills. Most importantly, I am delighted with her good manners, which GENIUS AULAD helps to nurture, building her positive character.

Additionally, Aurora’s enthusiasm for attending GENIUS AULAD is evident in her love for dancing, singing, and playing with her friends. It brings me joy to see her happy and engaged in her learning environment.

In conclusion, I extend my sincerest appreciation to GENIUS AULAD Elmina for its dedication to providing an exceptional educational experience for Aurora and all the children. May GENIUS AULAD continue to nurture young hearts and minds, empowering them to become exemplary individuals guided by Islamic principles. Ameen!

Lastly, GENIUS AULAD’s Genius-Balanced Methodology truly makes my daughter happy and helps her enjoy what she learns! Thank you, GENIUS AULAD!

Encik Ammar Rabbani

Father to Ahmad Ghazi

Assalamualaikum, my name is Ammar Rabbani. I am the father of Ahmad Ghazi, who attends GENIUS AULAD in Bandar Cassia. I would like to express my gratitude to GENIUS AULAD for offering a high-quality Islamic preschool with the Genius-Balanced Methodology.

My son truly enjoys going to school; his teachers are incredibly caring and devoted. He has started to learn basic English words and enjoys singing educational and Islamic songs. I am delighted to see him happy to attend school every day and appreciate the dedication of his teachers.

My son’s time at GENIUS AULAD has been truly remarkable. The nurturing environment and committed teachers have nurtured his passion for learning and cultivated a deep appreciation for knowledge within him. I have personally witnessed his academic and personal growth since he started attending GENIUS AULAD.

In conclusion, I am profoundly grateful to GENIUS AULAD Bandar Cassia for providing such a nurturing and enriching learning environment for my son and all the children. May GENIUS AULAD continue to excel in shaping young minds and instilling strong Islamic values.


Puan Nor Hazreen Fuad

Mother to Nur Safwah Humayraa

Assalamualaikum everyone, my name is Nor Hazreen Fuad, and I am the proud mother of Nur Safwah Humayraa from GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning. I want to take this moment to extend my sincere gratitude to the teachers at GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning for their unwavering support and dedication in ensuring our child’s happiness and learning.

Since enrolling my daughter in GENIUS AULAD, I have witnessed remarkable improvements in her mathematical skills and reading abilities. Safwah has developed a love for Mathematics! Furthermore, her confidence and social skills have flourished, and she eagerly participates in various learning activities and events such as Little Hajj and field trips.

I am profoundly thankful to GENIUS AULAD Kota Kemuning for fostering such a nurturing and enriching environment for our children’s growth and development. May this institution continue to ignite the curiosity and potential of young minds for many generations to come.

Thank you, GENIUS AULAD, for providing the best education for my child!