5 Tips To Identify If Your Child is Ready For Preschool.
Your child is at 3,4,5,6 years of age, but how can we be sure that our children are ready to start schooling? Here are 5 Tips to identify if your child is ready for preschool:
Fairly independent
Your child should also be able to take care of some other basic needs, like washing his hands after painting and eating his lunch without assistance. Your child isn’t expected to do everything on their own, but a little independence is key.
Ability to communicate
Successful communication doesn’t need to be solely verbal, but a child does need to be willing to express his needs and desires to his teacher.
Comfortable with routine
Preschools usually follow a predictable routine: circle time, play time, and snack. There’s a good reason for this. Children tend to feel most comfortable and in control when the same things happen at the same time each day.
Emotionally ready
If your child is comfortable to spend some time away from you, then he/she is ready for preschool. While some school anxiety is normal if preschool is the first time you and your child are apart it may result in his/her clinging to you at the door, or running after you, wailing, into the parking lot. This can be distressing for your child, and disconcerting for other learners who are also trying to settle.
Good social interaction
A preschool is a place where your child will learn to socialize with others and make new friends, but it’s important that your child is able to interact with others.
The best way to determine is to attend any preschool open day as it is the best time to see how your child interact and adapt to the environment.
Find your neighbourhood Genius Aulad to find out of their up and coming Open Day, to give your child the opportunity to experience preschool the Genius Aulad way 😊